What is your full name? None of your business...So I'll just say Alexandria =P

1. Nicknames? Alex, Allie, Al

2. b-day: October 5th

3. Age: I'll never tell ;)

4. Sex: female

5. Social security: Does it matter?

6. Where do you live? Michigan...unfortunately..

7. What school do you attend? Must you know everything?

8. Siblings and their ages? Mike, 23. Donna, 34.

9. Pets: 2 cats...I hate 'em!

10. Zodiac Sign: Libra

11. Righty or Lefty: righty

*********YOUR LOOKS*********

12. Hair color: Dark brown..

13. Eye color: Dark Brown

14. Height: 5'3 I grew an inch...=)

15. Do u wear contacts or glasses? Neither

16. Do you have any piercings? yep

17. If so what do you have pierced? Ears

18. Do you have a tattoo? No, want one though..

19. If so what and where?

20. Do you wear any rings? No

21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? Not really...

**********JUST LATELY***************

22. How are you today? Peachy..

24. What pants are you wearing right now? None. ;) lol I'm wearing shorts

25. What shirt are you wearing right now? White shirt from AE that says California..

26. What underwear are you wearing right now? umm...why do you care?

27. What does your hair look like right now? down

28. What song are u listening to right now? none

29. What was the last thing you ate? A hot dog..

30. How is the weather right now? Prolly hot..

31. Last person you talked to on the phone: Lisa

32. Last Dream you can remember: MMM Tyson!! ;)

33. Who are you talking to right now? Nobody..

**********More about YOU! **************

35. What are the last four digits of your phone number? **** =P

36. If u were a crayon, what color would you be? inivisible

37. Have you ever almost died? yeah.

38. Do u like the person that sent u this? No one sent it to me..

39. How do u eat an Oreo: Take it apart..and know..

40. What makes you happy? umm...lotsa stuff..

41. What's the next CD you are going to buy? hah..I can't afford CD's right now..

42. What religion/denomination are you? Catholic

43. What's the best advice ever given to you? hell if i know..

44. Have u ever won any special award? You could say that ;) lol nah..j/p..but really yeah..

45. What are your future goals? far as...?

46. Do u like to dance? sure

47. Worst sickness u ever had? Pneumonia..I was 4...almost died..

49. What's your favorite memory? Don't have one...There's so many =)

50. If u could change one thing about you what would it be? lots.

51. Where do you shop the most? the mall

52. How many kids do you want to have? Prolly 1 or 2..maybe 3..but i doubt three..

53. Son's name? Hmm...Tyson? lol..Actually I like that name. =)..Buuttt...Then whenever I said my son's name I'd think about Tyson Ritter...Which would prolly be

54. Daughter's name? Adrianna

55. Do you do drugs? Maybe....

56. Do you drink? yepperz

57. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Panteen Pro-V

58. What sport do you hate the most? To play? Or watch?

59. What are you most scared of? shit...(not literally 'shit' just..stuff lol)

60. How many TV's do you have in your house? enough..

61. Do you have your own? yeah

62. Do you have your own phone line? no

63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? never have..never will

64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: yeah

65. Who do you dream about: Famous

66. Who do you tell your dreams to? no one really cares...I don't blame 'em lol

67. Who's the loudest friend you have: Voice wise? Ashley can be pretty loud...but actually Lisa's prolly the loudest =P lol

68. Who's the quietest friend: Becca...yeah..w/out a doubt

70. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 726..It's kinda hard to just lick though..=/ lol

71. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? both

************YOU and LOVE**************

72. Do you believe in Love? yeah

73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? nope

74. Do you have a crush? ...maybe.......

75. Who is your crush? Do we not know how to read?

77. Do you believe in Love at first sight? no..I know I might sound a little pessimistic, but c'mon...really..

78. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? Paris...Or somewhere tropical..

79. What song do you want played at your wedding? I donno...

80. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Umm...there really isn't a first thing..I just kind of notice the whole image..Like..some guys have killer eyes...while other's have adorably cute curly

81. Are you shy too ask someone out? it depends.

82. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with? Oh, you know...

83. Do you find yourself attractive? no

84. Do you find yourself ugly? yeah..

85. Do others find you attractive? I doubt it

~*^~*which is worse:*~^*~

87. Making out with J Lopez or Britney Spears? Britney Spears (not that I'd know)

88. What's worse having your tonsils or appendix Removed? Hmm..both to me

*ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)*

89. Boxers or briefs: boxers

91. Curly or straight hair: either or

92. Tall or short: They've gotta be my height or taller..

93. skinny & lanky or big & muscular : either

94. Good or bad guys: either

95. Hat or no hat: what kind of hat?

97 tan or no tan: either

98. Dimples or not? I like dimples =) But I don't mind if they don't have 'em..

99. Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven..although Shane West looks pretty good w/ that goatee lol

100. Rugged or sporty: sporty

101. Studly or cutie: cutie

102. Accent or not: what kind of accent?

103. Glasses? It dosent matter

104. Smart or dumb: not genius..

105. What sport should he play? doesn't matter to me..

106. dependent(whipped) or independent? comfortable so whipped he has no life of his own..but not so independent he forgets i exist

***********Pick One: THIS OR THAT**********

133. Lights on/off: on

134. sun or rain? rain's funn

135. Mickey D's(McDonalds) or BK(Burger King)? neither

136. Do u like scary or happy movies better? They're both rather entertaining..

137. Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? UGH Neither!! lol

138. On the phone or in person? in person

139. Paper or plastic? money? or bags?

140. Sausage or pepperoni? Sausage ;) lol..nah..pepperoni

141. Summer or winter? summer

142. Hugs or kisses? both

143. Chocolate or white milk: chocolate

144. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Root Beer

45. Glass half full or half empty? both

147. Tape or DVD: DVD

148. Cats or Dog? dog

149. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O

150. Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate

151. Skiing or Boarding: boarding

152. Day or night: night

153. Cake or pie: what kind?

155. Diamond or pearl: diamond

156. sunset or sunrise: sunset

****************Your FAVS****************

157. Color: guess...But I like pink & black together..

158. food: n/a lol

159. Fast Food: don't have one

160. Candy: Gummy Bears

161. Beverage: Sprite

162. Ice Cream Flavor: Baby Ruth

163. Sport? To watch? Or play?

163. Animal: Umm.....i donno...

164. number: 23

165. Radio Station: None anymore..

167. Band: Simple Plan...The All-American Rejects are in a close second though..

168. Song: AAR-Too Far Gone

169. Actor or Actress? Eminem ;)

170. Teacher: Don't know yet..

171. Saying: i really don't know..


172. loved someone soo much it makes you cry? Perhaps..

173. Drank? Yeah

174. Ever gotten dumped? no

175. Break the law? Yeah

176. Stole something? yep

177. Tried to kill yourself? yeah...Thank God for Lisa though..

178. Made yourself throw up? no

179. Been in love? maybe..

180. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No

01. Full name: S. Alexandria S.
02. Birthday: October 5, 1989
03. Birth state: Michigan
04. Birth town: Bay City
05. Hospital: Bay Med
06. Age: 13
07. Sex: Always.. ;) lol�Girl.
08. Six words to describe you: annoying, funny, idiotic, loud, obnoxious, nice?
09. Weight at birth: 8.2 I think�
10. Weight now: ::sings:: I�ll never tell..
11. Time of birth: 7:31 AM
12. Height: 5'3
13. Eye color: brown
14. Tan/pale/black/mixed: I�ve still got a tan left over from California..
15. Race: lots?
16. Heritage: Mexican mainly..although I don�t look it. French, Spanish, Italian..and I will become Hungarian someday� ;) lol..right becca?
17. Hair color: dark brown
18. Natural hair color: dark brown
19. Kind of hair: thick..i hate it
20. Hair length: long
21. Shoe size: 8.5
22. Shirt size: what the hell?
23. Bra size: o my my my�.have you no shame? lol
24. Piercings: 5�But I will be getting more�You just wait..
25. Tattoos: None��..YET.
26. School: Nouvel Catholic Central High School�Or just NCC or Nouvel for short.
27. Grade school: St. Josaphat from K-7..then 8th in St. Helens
28. Class of: �07
29. Sports played now: nada =)
30. Sports played in the past: volleyball�����.
31. Pets: 2 cats�that I despise� RANDOM INFORMATION
01. Parents names: Natalie & Emilio
02. Color hair your mother has: auburn
03. Color hair your father has: just about jet-black
02. Parent's occupations: my mom�s a secretary and my dad�s retired..
03. Kind of car you have: I don't have one, but I�d like a 2004 Mustang, GT, firered, charcole interior, sunroof, automatic�
04. Sibling age/names: Mike-23, Popper-old,
05. Live with: my mom
06. How many rooms in your house: enough�
07. Color theme of your room: umm�does Tyson�s face count as a color-theme? lol
08. Color of carpet: creamish..
09. Room size: rather small..but I�ve got a closet about the same size as my room so it all works out in the end. =)
10. Bed size: twin
11. Sheet colors: white...
12. How many pillows: lots�I�m weird..There�s just something I like about having lots of pillows�It comes in handy if ya know what I mean ;)
13. Furniture in your room: my bed, tv stand, corner shelf, dresser�And in my closet..I�ve got a bookshelf..and that�s
14. Kind of computer: Sony
15. Money in bank account: somewhere around�.wait. why the hell am I telling you?
16. Posters in room: posters in room; 4. posters in closet; 1. But I�ve torn out and printed many pictures of AAR, SP, TSL, The Ataris, Mest, Vendetta Red, S.T.U.N., Brand New, GC�.oh so many more�
Do you normally (more often than not):
01. Ask or answer questions? Umm..both..And it depends what the question is..
02. Bathe in the morning or at night? Shower, at night usually
03. Converse or participate in awkward silence? Converse..
04. Talk or listen? both
05. Dress up or dress down? dress down
06. Stay up late or get to bed early? Stay up late�.REAL late�So late you can watch the sun come up baby! ;)
07. Get what you want or get what you deserve? Probably what I want.. I know I don�t deserve much..
08. Get attention or give your attention? Hmm.. depends to what and who�
09. Stand out or blend in? I dunno..
10. Give a hand or give hand outs? Umm�.riiiight ::thumbs up::
11. Listen to music or watch TV? Do you really have to ask this one? Obviously listen to music, music�s my life.
12. Win or lose? I usually lose..
13. Plan or follow-through? Neither..heh
14. Smile or cry? Depends what kinda mood I�m in..
15. Get up early enough to see the sunrise? Get up early enough to see the sunrise? No; Stay up early enough to see the sunrise? Yes. lol
16. Use books or Internet for research? both
17. Sing it or hum it? Sing, I suck at humming
18. Style your hair or just whatever? whatever
19. Call or get called? Usually get called..
20. Visit or have people over? both
21. Eat or skip breakfast? skip
22. Make a meal or go out for one? Umm..seeing me in the kitchen isn�t really likely�but..we don�t go out much either..
23. Drive or get driven? Get driven
24. Do what you had planned? Most of the time..
25. Attend or skip class/work? Me? Skip? NEVER!! Lol� 0=) riiiight..
26. Act like yourself or act appropriately? myself
27. Laugh or get laughed at? Well, I�m sure I get laughed at plenty..but I still laugh at the laughers laughing at me�lol you know?
28. Indulge or abstain? Hmm..indulge�rhymes with bulge.. =)
29. Help others or help yourself? Depends who I�m helping..
30. Eat what's good for you or eat what tastes good? Tastes good of course..
31. Turn it up or just get closer? Both�
32. Start it or finish it? I�m fine w/ either..
33. Stay bored or get things done? Stay bored
34. Apologize or be stubborn? Depends what happened..
35. Tell them you have a crush on them or hope they figure it out? hope they figure it out
36. Pay for yourself or get paid for? Either..
37. Lean in first or wait for them to make a move? Wait for then
38. Get rejected or never ask? Who knows���.
39. Hope it happens or make it happen? Depends..if it�s gotta do w/ something I�m passionate about then I�ll make it happen no doubt..
40. Try your hardest or hard enough? I think I try my hardest..
41. Work it out or put up with what you got? work it out
42. Talk it through or ignore it as much as you can? Talk through it
43. Know or think? Know =)
44. Trust or suspect? Who is it?
DO YOU. . . ?
01. Ever cut or hurt yourself on purpose? perhaps�..
02. Use icq, aol buddy list, etc.? AIM
03. Drink enough water? tons
04. Wear shoes in the house or take them off? Take them off
05. Eat wheat bread or white? I donno..w/e my mom buys..
06. Kiss on the first date? if there was a date... it would depend who it was
07. Dream in color or black and white? color
08. Have any dimples? Nuh uh
09. Remember being born? Umm�no
10. Drink alcohol? constantly..
11. Like high school?�s ok..
12. Like sunrises or sunsets the most? sunsets
13. Want to live to be 100? I think that�d be kick-ass
14. Think women should be expected to shave their body hair? Personally I don�t give a fuck what they�re doing..
15. Like salty food or sugary food the most? Depends what mode I�m in..
16. Think a flat stomach important? Forrr?
17. Think you are tolerant of other peoples beliefs? Depends what they believe..
18. Believe in magic? no
19. Have nightmares frequently? No..
20. Like your nose? It�s rather large. =/
21. Like abstract art? Nota clue.
22. Think you can draw well? Not at all
23. Listen to music daily? Constantly.
24. Like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? Variety�.What do I wanna wear today? Chucks or Vans? Ok�Now which ones?? lol
25. Write poetry? No, I suck at that kinda stuff I wish I could be good at..
26. Snore when you sleep? Nope.
27. Sleep more on your back, front, or sides? Side.
28. Think balding men should shave their heads? I don�t care what they do.
29. Know anyone who is clinically depressed? Not that I know of..
30. Know someone who has cancer? Yeah.
31. Like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants? Jack In The Box all the way! lol
32. Have a middle name? what is it? Yeah, Alexandria�you already know it.
01. Are You Straight or Gay? Straight.
02. Ever been kissed? x.X
03. Kissed someone of the same sex? Maybe�
04. French kissed? nuh uh..
05. Held hands? yeah
06. Hugged someone? yeah
07. Had sexual fantasies? Heh�yeah���
08. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? Hell no!
09. Have you ever fingered someone? No.
10. Has anyone ever fingered you? No.
11. Have you ever given oral sex? Nope���but I prolly would��..
12. Have you ever received oral sex? No.
13. Would you give oral sex in a random hook-up? Depends who it
14. Spit or swallow? Swallow.
15. What would be ultimate fantasy place to have sex? Somewhere you know you could get caught..
16. Have you screwed someone of the opposite sex? No.
17. Have you screwed someone of the same sex? No.
18. Screwed something not of the human race? Hah, no, sorry I�m not Mike�
19. Screwed something not alive? Again..I�m not
20. Paid someone for sex? Nope.
21. Been paid for sex? Nope.
22. Girls, have you ever been pregnant? Nope.
23. Guys, your girl ever been pregnant?
24. Have you ever had sex with a stranger? No�but I see nothing wrong w/ it�lol
25. If not, do you want to? Depends who it is�
26. Which one are you more afraid of getting, AIDS or pregnant? Both.
27. Do you believe in waiting until marriage to have sex? No, I�m a horrible Catholic, I know.
28. Have you ever had a crush on a friend's boy/girlfriend? Yeah.
29. Have you ever done anything with a friend's bf/gf? Nope.
30. Do you joke about sex a lot? Haha..more than I should..
31. Can you relate anything to sex? Yes.
32. Is there someone you're longing to be with right now? More than anything�
33. What about masturbating, do you do it? Nuh uh�I�m a good
34. Ever been caught masturbating? I�d have to do it in order to get caught now wouldn�t I?
35. Ever been caught doing something sexual with someone? Not yet�
36. Ever walked in on your parents having sex? No thank God!!!
37. Does someone's reputation have an effect on your answer if they asked you out? prolly
01. Smoked a cigarette: no, I hate smoking with passion.
02. Smoked a cigar: no.
03. Snorted coke: heh�..
04. Smoked weed: =)
05. Been high: =D
06. Had sex: ::ahem::
07. Said "I hope you die" to someone: all the time.. lol
08. Tried to kill yourself: almost.
09. Gotten in a fist fight: no�.
10. Lied to your parents: about everything
11. Broken a bone: not yet
12. Lied to your friends: yeah�..
13. Bit someone: yes. =D
14. Bungee jumped: not yet..
15. Been skydiving: that�s next..
16. Gotten drunk: yeahhhhhh lol
17. Gotten totally wasted: not totally
18. Given someone a bruise: oh yeah..
19. Skinny-dipped: nope
20. Driven illegally: yeah
21. Ditched someone: yeah..
22. Freak danced: oddly enough�����
23. Shoplifted: yeah�.
24. Cut yourself: yeah
25. Skipped school: yeah
26. Hung up on someone: all the time
27. Gone commando: nuh uh
28. Thrown up at school: not that I recall
29. Made yourself throw up: no
30. Flashed someone: no..but I was dared to once..
31. Done anything sexual with/for opposite sex for beads: New Orleans baby!! lol
32. Had a burping contest: no
33. Snuck out: all the time
34. Been to a school dance: woooow! I�m such a damn party animal! I�ve been to a school dance before!! ::claps for herself::
35. Thought your teacher was hot: that�s morally wrong dude..
36. Had an eating disorder: no
37. Masturbated: Geezuz
38. Had an online relationship: o.O
39. Had cyber sex: 0=)
40. Taken nude pictures of yourself: Hell no!
41. Had surgery: not that I know of..
42. Seen a therapist: nope
43. Farted loud and people heard: maybe�
44. Burped louder than a guy: nah..
45. Done the splits: on
46. Been on a cheerleading team: I�m ashamed of my past ok?
47. Played spin the bottle: for kicks..
48. Grinded: ����
01. Do you stuff your bra? no
02. Have you ever stuffed your bra? No.
03. What make-up do you wear daily? Sometimes mascara�.or eyeliner�but other then that..nothing..I don�t see the point..
04. What are your underwear like right now? Um�underwear..
05. How many pairs of shoes do you own? ::looks:: Well, there�s my ghetto-ass K*Swiss. Lol My Adidas flip-flops, my adidas. My lawn-mowing shoes, my dress up shoes, my Vans, and my Converse. But I want more for my birthday�
06. Come on, tell the truth. Is that really your true hair color? Yep.
07. What do you most like about your body? Uh��.nothing really�.
08. And least? Oh
09. How many fillings do you have? None.
10. Do you think you're good looking? Uh, no. lol
11. Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? They don�t really tell me much..
12. Do you look like any celebrities? No.
13. Do you like a man with muscles or not? If they�ve got muscles then they can�t be too big�but I love a guy w/ a tall n lanky frame like Tyson. =)
14. Tall or short men? Tall.
15. Does your dream guy have long or short hair? Long.
16. What's the hair situation 'down there'? heh..Ty�s got a happy Did you know that?
Oh for God�s sake just look here
17. How long is your leg hair? Silky
18. Ever come close to having sex, but didn't? in my dreams maybe.. lol..
19. With who? Tyson. =)
20. If so, why didn't you? I woke up..heh
21. Are your eyebrows a different color from your hair? No.
22. Do you pluck your eyebrows? Nah.
23. When did you last have a hickey, and where? suck.
24. Are you on birth control? No.
25. Can you dance? A little.
26. Can you lick your nipple? Umm�why would you want to?
27. Do you struggle with self-esteem? I guess.
38. Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder? No.
29. When was your first period? 7th grade. New�s years eve actually. It sucked serious ass.
30. If you unexpectedly got pregnant, what would you do? Get killed by my dad, after he killed the father first of course..
31. Future daughters/sons names? Girl: Adrianna; Guy: Tyson (named after the
32. Are you pro-choice? -_-
33. Do your underwear and bras usually match? No.
01. Any good memories from this year? Hella yes!!! Tons!! Especially from Warped.
02. Any bad memories from this year? Yeah..some.
03. Do you regret anything from this year? Yeah.
04. Do you regret anything you've ever done? Yeah.
05. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Travis.
06. Did you ever had braces? No.
07. What is your best childhood memory? There isn�t many.
08. Do you have the same friends you did when you were seven and under? The only one I�ve still got is Megs. Me n Becca didn�t really know each other that well�But I still knew her, and some of the guys too..
09. What was your favorite childhood toy? I dunno.
10. What was your favorite cartoon when you were four? The Lion King. =)
11. What was your favorite movie as a child? Hocus Pocus.
12. Did you ever suck your thumb? never
13. What color hair did you have as a kid? Almost black
14. What was your first word? Ma?
15. How did your parents name you? They hated me. So they wanted to make me have to explain to everyone what my name was about, and why it is the way it is. Lol Actually, they just didn�t want me to have the letters ASS for initials and didn�t want Sherelee be my first name�So now I�ve just got a first initial, no first name. But it does stand for something. So basically on my birth certificate it says S. Alexandria S******
16. What does your name mean? Keeper of man
01. Current Music: DC � � Several Ways To Die Trying�.
02. Current CD in player: obviously Dashboard Confessional
03. Current conversations: Becca
04. Current time: 5:54 PM
05. Current clothes: school shirt, comfy pants
06. Current hair: down
07. Current taste: nothing
08. Current mood: bored
09. Current smell: my house
10. Current thing you should be doing: homework
11. Current desktop picture: Tyson rockin out.
12. Current favorite group: The All-American Rejects!
13. Current book: Wuthering Heights
14. Current refreshment: nothing
15. Current worry: Just stuff..

N0body loves me..

10:51 pm || Jul. 07, 2003

And I'm thinking of you..

You're on my mind..
Time: 10:51 pm
Date: Jul. 07, 2003
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Wearing: PJ's
Hearing: AFI- Ever And A Day
Chatting w/: No one's home. =p
Thinking: about exams. Blergh
Wanting: Tyson, to go back to Warped Tour, CD's, Mikey, also to be able to play bass (although I have one!), a reason to be happy, to wear my AFI hoodie, to go to many of the concerts I know about..
Stuck in My Head: Outkast- Hey Ya

bands: The All-American Rejects, Never Heard Of It, A Fire Inside, Simple Plan, The Ataris, A Perfect Circle, AC/DC, Alkaline Trio, Blink 182, Bowling For Soup, Brand New, Coheed and Cambria, Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, Fountains of Wayne, From Autumn to Ashes, Get Up Kids, Green Day, Hot Hot Heat, INXS, Iron Maiden, Limbeck, Mindless Self Indulgence, Motion City Soundtrack, MxPx, Relient K, Riddlin Kids, Rise Against, Roony, Rufio, Screeching Weasel, Sex Pistols, S.T.U.N., Something Corporate, Story Of The Year, Sugarcult, Suicide Machines, Sum 41, System Of A Down, Taking Back Sunday, The Strokes, The Used, Three Days Grace, Tsunami Bomb, Vendetta Red, Yellowcard..There's more, just can't think of them right now..

You are my one and only..
- - Jul. 19, 2004
Blearghhh - Feb. 17, 2004
Right-e-o - Jan. 25, 2004
=( - Jan. 21, 2004
It's stayin' right here.. - Jan. 18, 2004

since 6/24/03

Random List ~ Frozen Kiss
all content � me, 2003.